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Alvin Droste, after working for many years as a journeyman carpenter, went into business for himself in1933. He established a reputation as a quality contractor and craftsman. The company continued through World War II with mostly maintenance construction with the help of his oldest son, Robert. After serving in the war Raymond, his second son, joined the company. In the following years, the company's main business was new custom homes.

In 1959, the company was fully incorporated and Raymond was named president. The company still primarily built custom homes, but started to build more commercial buildings in the 1970s. During 1974, Jim and Steve Droste started working as journeymen carpenters for their father, Ray, and Uncle Robert. This was the official beginning of what was the third generation in the company. In 2016 Steve Droste decided to retire after more than 40 years in the business as Nate and Jeff took on a leadership and ownership role in the company.

Jim and Steve bought into the company as Robert left in 1982, Ray maintained his role as president. The company was on the road to recovery from the recession of the late 70s and early 80s. By 1983, the commercial construction side of the business was booming and in 1986 a new housing surge began.


In 1989 Ray retired. Jim became president and Steve vice-president. Over the next 20 years Jim and Steve continued to grow and expand their business into larger new commercial and residential building projects, all while continuing to provide quality remodeling and additions services to both repeat and first time customers. As Main Street in St. Charles experienced a revival of interest and business Jim and Steve played a role in the preservation and renovation of many buildings along the historic riverfront.


2011 brought with it another milestone in the company, Nate, Jim's oldest son joined the company upon award of what is the largest custom home the company has undertaken to date. Shortly after in 2012, Jeff, Jim's younger son joined the company. Both Nate and Jeff completed their college education in engineering and worked for other local construction companies out of college to broaden their knowledge base of the construction industry. Before returning to the family business they became licensed professional engineers in the state of Missouri and continue to maintain their licensure.


These past 85 years have given our family more good times than bad with many major and countless minor projects to keep the company work load steady. Years of experience, hard work and pride in the City and County of St. Charles community has provided a great place for our families. We hope this will continue for generations to come.                                                         

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